Maian Lockbox Changelog ( [+] Added [*] Updated [-] Bug Fix Version 3.0 (02/10/2019): [+] Added batch delete operations to all admin list screens [+] Added control links on admin popup action messages for quicker navigation [+] Added cookie option to admin login [+] Added copy options for lockboxes and packages in admin CP for easier adding of similar lockboxes/packages [+] Added email "Reply-To" name and email settings [+] Added lockbox page management to easily add new pages to lockboxes [+] Added mail debugging & certificate check options to admin settings [+] Added option for payment gateway/method to be set for backend usage only [+] Added option to add additional information about package. Viewable to visitor on signup page. [+] Added option to add welcome message for member in lockbox area. Can be set differently per member. [+] Added option to attach files when contacting members from admin CP [+] Added option to restrict logins to a max number of IP addresses for security. Can be set differently on a member level. [+] Added option to set lockbox variables. [+] Added optional captcha to login and sign up pages. Can easily be disabled. [+] Added payment currency to payments search options in admin CP [+] Added support for Stripe payment gateway (API Library version 7.2.2) [+] Added warning on admin homescreen if master lockbox access is on. [+] Brand new user portal with option to add custom pages in admin CP [+] New, easier to use lockbox system without the need to set up htaccess folders [+] On admin CP approval screen, added option to suppress emails. Useful if you want to approve accounts, but not send emails [*] Brand new admin CP [*] Email settings moved to separate page in admin CP [*] Min PHP version required to run Maian Lockbox is now 5.6 or higher [*] Password storage updated to use PHP's password bcrypt API. All passwords must be reset. [*] Removed .htpasswd storage, added MySQL storage for better performance [*] Updated Font Awesome icons/vector library (5.7.1) [*] Updated PHPMailer to latest stable release (6.1.1) [*] Updated admin list screens to use stupid table JS plugin for quick table sorting [*] Updated jQuery library to latest stable release (3.4.1) [*] Removed .htaccess authentication system which caused too much confusion. Added standard session authentication with login box [*] Removed login username. Login now via email address and password except master login details. [*] Removed statistics page from admin CP. [*] Removed theme option and theme switcher for signup and contact options. Version 2.3 (01/03/2018): [+] Updated signup to clear email address if previous payment wasn't completed. Prevents errors saying email already exists when someone hasn't actually signed up. [*] Added authentication support for servers running PHP as PHP-CGI/PHP-FPM where the standard authentication hooks aren't available [*] Bootstrap API updated to 3.3.7 [*] Min PHP version to run software increased to 5.5. PHP5.5 or higher required. [*] Removed or repaired 404 links from documentation [*] Updated PHPMailer to latest stable release (6.0.3) [*] Updated Paypal IPN callback to use new endpoints and verify SSL [*] jQuery library updated to 3.3.1 [-] Fixed bug where emails were triggered on stopped callback for accounts already expired [-] Fixed case sensitivity bug allowing pending payments to be accepted [-] Fixed issue causing blank emails to be sent out if the payment from Paypal was pending [-] Fixed issue where password was updated in database for member edit even if password field was left blank [-] Fixed issue where subscriptions remained in a 'renew' status after the subcription was renewed. [-] Fixed issue with account expiring too soon if grace period was set to a high value [-] Fixed issue with gateway response debug log not activating correctly if set in admin CP [-] Fixed mysql error when next renew date was blank or invalid in admin CP Version 2.2 (31/05/2017): [+] Added support for PHP7.1 [*] PHPMailer class updated to latest stable release (5.2.23) Version 2.1 (26/06/2016): [+] Added support for PHP7 [-] Fixed bugs with system and lockbox auto enable dates [-] Fixed database backup issue when database name was in uppercase characters [-] Fixed installer bug for database with hyphens in name [-] Fixed issue which caused signup page to fail due to invalid package ID [-] Fixed issue with fixed timer accounts throwing a fatal error [-] Fixed undefined error bug that caused some gateway responses to fail for the sandbox [-] On admin backup page, last updated date was showing incorrectly as creation date Version 2.0 (14/10/2015): [+] Added global switch for event logs in settings. [+] Added option to add notes to payments [+] Added smtp security option, from name, from email and other address option [+] Added white label licence. Market and sell the product as your own. [+] Package signup pages can now load from different themes if set. [+] Templates now theme based system for frontend. [*] Added option to write event logs when sending batch mail [*] All frontend operations, contact, pass reset etc recoded for better performance [*] Batch mail option moved from tools to separate screen [*] Brand new responsive HTML5 system via Twitter Bootstrap [*] Deprecated MySQL functions removed and replaced with MySQLi [*] Emails now plain text and HTML by default [*] Export members and payments routines moved to separate pages [*] Payments can now be exported using member filter. Package filter removed. [*] Removed PHP mail function, SMTP now required [*] When approving members system now checks htpasswd entry exists and adds it if it's missing [*] You can now add/edit event log notes for any event log entry [*] Removed ioncube encryption system [-] Fixed issue preventing edit of single lockbox for free version Version 1.0 (04/02/2013): [+] v1.0 Released